It all began in 2016 when after 7 years not having any periods because of my contraceptive pill I decided to take the leap, stop taking it and see what happened to my body. I thought I would start a lil series on YouTube called “The Hormone Diaries”, to document any changes. My body, my mood, the return of my period, along with learning how to use menstrual cups and educating myself about contraception.

“Oh my, I've learnt more in this 8 and a half minutes than the entireity of sex ed at school! Thank you!”

“I love how she just talks so openly about it because it seems like everyone else shys away from period talk because its "awkward". But she acts like it's natural and it's amazing!!!”

“The hormone diaries is my favourite series on YouTube, it's amazing and I learn so much!! Thanks Hannah!!”


“As a straight dude this was a very informative/interesting video lol”

This is fantastic. I wish more young friend groups were this open about their periods. Way to go for the setting the precedent for young people :).  

I never thought I'd watch somebody insert a menstrual cup but it wasn't a terrible experience